
Entoprot LdT was founded in 2017 by Ari Riihimaa. The business is based on knowledge on insect physiology and genetics which the founder gathered in Oulu University.

Entoprot technology harnesses the biology of the most protein efficient insect; black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae can grow 7000 times larger in two weeks. This is two to three times higher than for most other insects, e.g. crickets. Entoprot has developed a patented semi-automatic mini factory to produce protein. After rearing the larvae are cooled so that they lose conciousness, then milled and finally the chitinous skins are strained off. The result is a high protein rich “larva-milk” that also contains good quality oils and functional ingredients, so that it can be used in human food products. Entoprot team has decades of insect and biology knowledge combined with experienced engineers, that allows to develop products that are efficient and affordable. Our estimate is that a 100 square meter factory will produce 9 tons of larvae per month with two employees, producer price 1,5 Eur/kg.

The business model of Entoprot is to sell and support mini factories that produce insect meal (dried larvae) . The resulting product can be mixed to any feed or food product to increase or supplement its protein content. One of the first customer group will be Finnish farmers, insect rearing will replace e.g. cow breeding. The production capacity is very high: up to 400 kilograms of insect mass per one square meter of facility floor area in two weeks; the corresponding figure for e.g. pigs or crickets is from 10 to 20 kilograms. Feed for larvae can be high starch – low protein biomass, such as potato or even grass. The starch in the feed is turned via microbes to larval protein. In contrast, farm animals and other types of insects need high protein feed, so this difference in feed is another major advantage.

Entoprot has a patent application (PCT) on the key technologies in the mini factory. An early verification of the factory process has been done. We have applied patents to European countries, USA and China. A second application for the technology is under investigation in Finnish patent office (PRH) and a corresponding PCT application is under investigation .


Biotuotteet ja -materiaalit, Elintarviketeollisuus ja -tuotanto, Kestävä kehitys, Kierrätys, Waste-to-value, Älykäs ja Puhdas Teollisuus / Cleantech ja Teollisuus
